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The Social Network Program, created by the Council of Ministers Resolution 197/97, ​​of 18 November, published by Decree - Law 115/2006, aims to articulate and congregate efforts, based on the free adhesion of local authorities and public or private non-profit entities that wish to participate in it.
The Social Network aims to combat poverty and social exclusion; Promote integrated social development; Promote integrated and systematic planning, enhancing synergies, skills and resources, as well as contributing to the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the objectives of the National Plan of Action for Inclusion; Ensure greater effectiveness and better coverage and organization of the set of social responses and facilities at local level, and create regular channels of communication and information between the partners and the population.

 All actions developed within the Social Network are guided by the principles of Subsidiarity; Integration; Articulation; Participation; Innovation and Equality.
The Social Network materializes, at local level, through the creation of the Social Commissions of Parishes / Inter-Parishes (CSF / CSIF) and the Local Councils of Social Action (CLAS), creating platforms for the planning and coordination of social intervention at parish and county level.

Therefore, within the scope of the Social Network of the Municipality of Ourem, the Social Commission of the Parish of Fatima was created, on February 9, 2011.

The Parish Social Commissions are entities working at local level. The nature of their functions is advisory and promotional and includes the articulation of partnerships, the assessment and analysis of problems and the proposals for their solution, the orientation, referral and articulation with the Local Council of Social Action.

The Parish Social Commission was formed with the purpose of planning, in an integrated and participative way, the implementation of local social development initiatives, to stimulate collective and responsible awareness of the different problems existing in the parish, and by defining priorities,  integrated planning and the evaluation and implementation of cohesion and social inclusion policies, combat and eradicate poverty and social exclusion more effectively.


Contacts of the Social Commission of the Parish of Fatima: 249 532 267 | 916 470 026 | Comissaosocialfatima@gmail.com